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FAQs about Possession Friend


Q. Is Possession guaranteed?

A. Yes. Depending on the circumstances of your case, a Possession order is usually, but may not be awarded, on the first application. If required, a further application will be made. Your Tenants will leave at the earliest legally possible time. This may involve a number of strategies, from Mediation [ see link ] to use of High Court Enforcement Officers.

Q. The process is complicated. Does POSSESSION FRIEND undertake everything reguired to obtain Possession?

A. Yes, apart from certain documents that has to be in the Tenant’s name, but POSSESSION FRIEND will patiently guide and help you with this.

Q. Will POSSESSION FRIEND review my documents?

A. Yes. We need to be sure that your case is solid and stands the best possible chance of success.

Q. Will I need a solicitor?

A. In most cases, a solicitor isn’t necessary. If a solicitor is required, POSSESSION FRIEND will offer to source one for you.

Q. What is the benefit of POSSESSION FRIEND finding a solicitor, instead of me going to one directly.

A. A solicitor will have to review all the circumstances of your case to be able to represent you in court. You would have to pay their professional rates in order for them to do this, as well as attending court to represent you. POSSESSION FRIEND knows the ‘going rate’ for legal representation and has relationships with various solicitors firms that can be advantageous to the Landlord. Also, POSSESSION FRIEND will ‘brief’ and prepare the solicitor, saving them time and you money. By carrying out initial and preparatory work and briefing a solicitor, POSSESSION FRIEND can lower the cost of solictors fees.

Q. The possibility of a court hearing is daunting, can POSSESSION FRIEND help with this.

A. Absolutely, this is one of our specialisms. For the majority of cases that don’t require a solicitor, POSSESSION FRIEND is prepared to attend court with you, acting as a McKenzie Friend. So if you have to face your tenant in court, and don’t want the expense of a solicitor, POSSESSION FRIEND can accompany you for much less than legal fees (the cost of travel is additional, proportionate to each individual case). Rest assured, if a Landlord needs a solicitor, we will tell you and won’t offer to take their place as a ‘Friend’ ( this is relatively rare, so saves unnecessary expense )

Q. My tenant owes a lot of outstanding rent. Will you help with securing rent arrears?

A. Yes, certainly ( again not something a lot of Repossession companies offer ) we specialise in debt recovery, its all part of the service. Contact us today.

Q. How quickly will POSSESSION FRIEND act and commence proceedings?

A. Within 24 hours of your contact, often a lot quicker.

Q. Can charges escalate and will I know how much the service costs?

A. The fee is fixed to 3 weeks average UK rent, subject to a cap, so if you have an expensive London? rental, there is a limit to the three week fee, which in some cases could be less than two weeks rent! The only additions to this are at your discretion, such as an early mediation visit / attempt with the Tenant. If this is successful, there may well be a refund to your fee, paying only for initial actions and travel to the mediation. Attendance at court to accompany a Landlord as a ‘Friend’ – is a basic charge to cover time and travel ( less than a legal representation, fee and travel discussed in each case )

Q. What is included in the service provided?

A. Initial case assessment, advice, preparation and service of Notices and court paperwork. Rent recovery advice and representation with High Court Enforcement on your behalf. Whilst you can be assured of a professional and prompt service, we will be your Friend throughout the experience, acting in your best interests and giving you much ‘piece of mind’ and more sleep.

Q. Why would a Landlord use a Possession company such as POSSESSION FRIEND, instead of a firm of solicitors, ‘cutting out the middle-man’?

A. Possession is all that we do. A legal professional has professional fees that apply to all the time they spend on the case, including fact finding, assessment, forms and paperwork completion etc, whereas the only relatively small proportion of a solicitor’s time that justifies their expense, is the 10 minutes spent in court.

Is there a question you have that isn’t answered above? If so, please get in touch … enquiries@possessionfriend.uk

How to evict my Tenant ? – Possession Friend will help you. Contact us at enquiries@PossessionFriend.uk

Possession Friend the the Landlord best solution to Bad Tenants.

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