The Madness of Housing, an adaptation from Douglas Murray’s The Madness of Crowds. I bring abstracts from Murrays excellent recent book to show their relevance to the current Housing policy. Murray starts by observing that society is going through a great crowd derangement, irrational and herd-like. He points to the financial crash in 2008 as highlighting the difference between the have’s and have not’s. Unsurprisingly, its not hard to see why a generation which can’t
Call for evidence – Submission by – Possession Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on homelessness and the private rented sector: Parliamentary inquiry Terms of Reference The Committee invites written evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on homelessness, rough sleeping, and the private rented sector, as well as any other connected issues. In particular, the Committee is interesting in finding out: 1) How effective has the support provided by MHCLG and other Government departments in addressing
See below ( but don’t believe the linked article, as I’ll explain ) How many evictions would the Daily Mirror, Research survey Opinium, or Shelter have you believe ? How many people have been evicted through Coronavirus ? The Daily Mirror published on 26th of March, 2020 claims a Research survey by Opinium carried out between 20 – 24th March showed – 11% of UK workers, had been evicted from their home as a
Landlords and Corona – Covid-19 virus Free Advice. The Virus situation has thrown most of life into turmoil and various measures have been put in place by the government. Some are more helpful to sections of society than others. ( i.e. Tenants rather than Landlords ) The focus for this article is on how Landlords are faring under the measures that government have introduced. ( see below ) I’m going to set out in summary
Section 21 Housing Act, 1988. 1. Brief History 2. What is it 3. Why is it used, and 4. How often 5. Impact on 1. Brief history. Sec 21 was introduced at a time of High ( relative at the time ) Housing demand and low housing provision. At the time tenancies were governed by the Rent Act where repossession of properties and control of rent were so restrictive that as a means of encouraging